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A Case Study in Hybrid Cloud Network Design

The challenges of interconnecting the big 3 cloud providers to form a cohesive solution


A case study in network design for the hybrid network engineer. A walkthrough of the year-long journey to interconnect public cloud workloads from all three major CSPs (Azure, AWS, GCP) and on-premises Enterprise Networks to provide a robust and highly available solution for the application teams. I will discuss the architectural strategy, lessons learned, pitfalls and wins of the overall solution.

Problem Statement

In many organizations, there may exist scenarios where some applications are built in one cloud provider (such as GCP) and another application or supporting system run by a different team is built in a different environment (such as AWS). This may be due to specific cloud offerings of one provider over another, developer preferences/experience, historical reasons, cost optimization etc. The why doesn’t really matter - but when these workloads want to communicate - now this becomes a connectivity puzzle.

The answer for many teams is to route this traffic over the public internet. Like so:

This solution works and for most orgs thats usually good enough. There are some quick fixes we could implement instead of the above solution, such as to create site-to-site VPN tunnels or more recently CSPs are now offering cloud-to-cloud interconnects. However, when you are dealing with dozens of cloud accounts (tenants), large amounts of traffic and on-prem data center traffic these fixes may not scale. Let’s step back and take a look at the whole picture.

Some key info to take note of:

  • Most of the cloud-to-cloud traffic is happening in the US-East region. We can focus our efforts here.
  • The traffic pattern rates will not exceed 10Gbps (for now :D)

Can we architect a solution that:

  1. Decreases cloud egress costs
  2. Improves security posture by reducing the amount of public endpoints that don’t need to be exposed
  3. Integrates with the existing on premises data center network
  4. Improves network latency

While still mainting the performance, reliability and agility of hosting workloads in the cloud…

Strategy - Weighing the Options

Option 1 - Hairpin

In my case, I have a production data center already built out and running in New York. I could leverage the existing Headquarters data center to provision new circuits to each Cloud Provider and integrate them into the existing WAN. Utilize BGP routing to bounce traffic back and forth as needed.

Like So:


  • Relatively short lead time to complete this option.
  • The network already exists (minus the new circuits)


  • Hair-pinning traffic from US-East1 (Virginia) to NY back to Virginia
  • May require hardware refresh depending on speeds/feeds available of current switches in my data center. Additional lead-time to buy new gear and set it up.
  • Introduces on-prem SLA factors (network uptime, upgrades, power work, maintenance windows etc) to cloud-to-cloud apps.

Option 2 - Greenfield

Rent out space at two co-location providers near Ashburn. Purchase new layer3 switches/routers and order new circuits for the connections. i.e. Build it all yourself


  • As a network engineer who loves new toys this would have been great, a new greenfield deployment
  • Full control of the environment


  • New Colo Vendor research, approval and onboarding process would take some time
  • Upfront capital costs
  • Vendor lead-time on new switches was still high at the time of this design | 1 year+ (post-covid supply chain issues)

Option 3 - Cross Cloud

Utilize the new cross cloud interconnect services provided by GCP


  • Cloud Native Solution
  • Simple to setup and quickly implement


  • Good for GCP to a CSP but doesn’t help with other traffic patterns for different cloud providers or on-prem workloads
  • Cost savings is not maximized

Option 4 - Partner Interconnect

Onboard a 3rd party interconnect vendor to essentially “rent a router” in Virginia at a monthly cost. Multiple companies exist who provide this service such as Megaport, Equinix, PacketFabric and others.


  • Flexibility in choosing regions or zones to deploy partner interconnect routers as needed
  • Ephemeral solution that could be scaled up/down quickly
  • Easy to compare monthly costs vs monthly savings
  • Follows the overall cloud-first mindset of my technology organization


  • New vendor research, onboarding and learning
  • Losing some control of the network to another party - i.e nerd knobs, visibility
  • Introducing a new vendor into your critical path of traffic - high availability system design is crucial

Design Decisions

We decided on Option 4. Using a 3rd party interconnect provider would give us the most flexibility and allow us the option to dynamically spin up and down resources/circuits as needed. After a few weeks of going back and forth with a couple of providers, we chose one of them based on community feedback, price and availability of resources.

Additionally, the architecture should:

  • Follow the concept of least privileged access - meaning don’t open up the routing for ALL cloud teams to be able to talk to ALL other cloud accounts in perpetuity. Narrow the scope down for specific account-to-account workloads.
  • Implement 99.99% availability for each cloud provider interconnect (following each CSP published best practice guides).
  • Use devops principles to spin up resources as code via Terraform, Ansible, Python APIs etc with well defined pipelines. Make the work visible for the entire tech organization and limit institutional knowledge.

GCP Architecture

  • Create a hub and spoke type model
  • Centralized networking hub project to host the GCP Routers + interconnects to partner routers
  • Spoke projects will VPC peer to hub project for access as needed
  • Following the GCP Best Practices guide, we can design an architecture as shown below:

AWS Architecture

  • Create a centralized networking account to host an AWS Transit Gateway which attaches to other spoke accounts.
  • Following the AWS High Resiliency Guide, it should look something like this:

Azure Architecture

Partner Router Architecture

  • Following high availability patterns, create two virtual routers in two different availability zones in Virginia.
  • Create virtual cross connects for each desired CSP path
  • Provision new on-prem circuits (physical paths) to partner locations



As with most projects, you can plan and design all day long. But once you start building, something unexpected always comes up. We ran into some challenges along the way but were able to find solutions and push through. Here’s some key ones…

GCP Network Peering

A key requirement for GCP Network Peering is that IP network space cannot overlap. When I originally audited the candidate GCP accounts to peer, I only looked at the primary ranges - I took note that there were no collisions and moved ahead.

However, when it came time to actually peer the networks we immediately found a problem. There were some secondary ranges which shared similar space in the 100.X.X.X space. These secondary ranges are used by the project’s kubernetes clusters.

Some possible solutions to fix this:

  1. Re-IP these secondary ranges - wasn’t a fan of this option as it would cause more work and intrusion on the application owners side.
  2. Implement Google’s New Product offering called Network Connectivity Center (it was in Beta at the time)
    • The key feature that could help here was the ability to prefix filter routes from peering
    • Unfortunately, even with NCC enabled we quickly ran into another blocker IPv4 static and dynamic routes exchange across VPC spokes are not supported.
    • This meant we could not exchange dynamically learned routes from the partner interconnect to the spoke accounts. This was a no-go.

With NCC Peering off the table, we went back to VPC Peering. But this time the decision was to select a few high value GCP Projects that made up the majority of the traffic load. Re-IP those secondary kubernetes ranges (if needed) and move on.

Another issue that arose: Google Cloud Routers connected to the interconnects would not automatically export the learned VPC Peering routes:

To solve this problem, we have to install custom advertisements on the google cloud routers (i.e. maintain an IP Prefix List). This adds complexity to the project, but could be solved programmatically during our pipeline build which will be shared later on in this post.

AWS - Account-to-Account Routing Options

The original design assumed to use the existing Transit Gateway connections to route the newly introduced traffic to each account. However, after performing a cost reduction analysis we realized that the Transit Gateway transfer costs were still high, making the effort of the entire project less appealing. Another option would be to create new connections with Virtual Private Gateways (VGW attachments).

As an example exercise, if we assume 1000TB of monthly data transfers:

  • Using the TGW architecture would save up to 30% of data transfer costs.
  • Using the VGW architecture would save up to 60% of data transfer costs.

So the tradeoff we made was to select a few heavy hitter accounts to peer directly with the hub network account using a VGW Architecture.

To do this, I needed to create dedicated VGWs in each heavy hitter account and attach it to a new DXGW instead of using the existing Transit Gateway architecture. For the rest of the accounts connectivity would still be established via the TGW.

Additionally, this meant we had to create 2 additional virtual cross connects to our partner routers and also pay close attention to the hard limit quotas of AWS Direct Connect. Although the cost of additional cross connects doubles our intended budget, it still made sense

The new AWS Architecture would be as follows:

Azure Quirks

Prior to this project, I had almost no experience building anything in Azure. The interface felt foreign to me and the naming conventions and iconography also took some time to get used to…but in general, there were no major hangups in Azure except for one issue:

  • Prior to this work, an Azure site-to-site VPN had already been setup in one VNET to an on-prem resource.
  • Due to this, I was unable to peer this azure VNET to the new hub vnet
  • To work around this problem, we had to relocate the site-to-site VPN to the hub vnet and pay close attention to the routing. For this specific case I used less specific routes to prefer the express route connection over the existing site-to-site VPN

Differences of Networking Concepts across CSPs

In general understanding the different concepts of VPCs vs VNETs - Projects vs Accounts vs Subscriptions - Global route tables vs regional route tables etc… could be a whole book (that I would not be qualified to write). One example that comes to mind which took me by surprise:

  • In GCP - US East1 is in South Carolina but in AWS US East1 is in Virginia. Something to keep in mind when thinking about traffic latency and regional disaster recovery scenarios.

High Availability

As I mentioned previously in the design section, implementing a highly available solution is crucial. We don’t want to introduce additional failure events that do not typically occurr in cloud deployments (i.e. limit the blame on the network :D )

To Summarize the best practice documentation from each provider environment:

  • In GCP, high availability requires 4 partner interconnects across 2 Google Cloud Routers in 2 different regions

  • In AWS, high resiliency can be achieved with 2 single connections in 2 different direct connect locations

  • Azure ExpressRoutes requires 2 express route circuits in zone redundant virtual gateways

  • 3rd Party Interconnect Routers require 2 virtual routers and the virtual cross connects should be in distinct A/B Availability Zones

Routing Decisions

This is where network engineering chops matter. The standard routing protocol for all Cloud Service Providers is Border Gateway Protocol - BGP

What are some BGP decisions we have to make to design a reliable and fast network?

  1. Use Bidirectional Forwarding Detection - BFD for fast BGP Failover

    • Keep in mind that different CSPs may have different BFD supported values, for example:
      • In GCP we must use the values:
        Transmit Interval - 1000 ms
        Receive Interval  - 1000 ms
        Multiplier        - 5
      • However, AWS supports faster values:
        Transmit Interval - 300 ms
        Receive Interval  - 300 ms
        Multiplier        - 3
    • When I performed failover testing of these circuits, it took almost 5 seconds for the GCP traffic to recover as opposed to the AWS failure took under 1 second to recover.
  2. Understand Route Manipulations and Priorities in Different Cloud Environments

    • For example, in AWS its best practice to influence traffic using longest prefix match
    • We can also influence routing policies with BGP Communities
    • Additionally, using AS PATH Prepending or MED values is another option
    • Also keep in mind, Route Priority of Propagated Routes
  3. Should we use Equal Cost Multipathing (i.e. ECMP Load Sharing) across multiple links?

  • Possible negatives of ECMP:

    • Non-deterministic route paths - hard to “know” which way your traffic is flowing at all times.
    • Gray outages where one path is not working optimally and causes intermittent issues making it hard to troubleshoot.
    • If a stateful firewall is in line inspecting traffic and return routes take a different path, it may get dropped
    • Load balancing across different geographical locations may cause latency variations
  • Benefits:

    • Maximize your provisioned circuits. i.e more available bandwidth
    • More resilient to failover - if a link fails all of your traffic does not go down waiting for BFD to kick in.
  • I decided to use ECMP - but I understand why other’s may choose not to.

Visibility and Operations

In my view, a project is not done just because traffic is flowing from point A to point B. I believe it is just as important to devote equal planning, time and energy towards supporting systems


How do we monitor these new partner virtual routers? The typical network construct of pointing your SNMP poller to a router and graphing bandwidth does not apply here.

  • Answer: Use APIs to gather info and relay it back to a centralized observability platform. In my case, our tech org has standardized on a single SaaS observability platform so I wrote some glue scripts to do this. I will share below.

Python Script to Send Metrics

The script does the following:

  1. Gathers a status check of the Virtual Routers and Cross Connects
  2. Sends the status to the observability platform periodically
  3. In the platform we create dashboards and monitors to alert on interesting values or missing data (i.e a resource is no longer reporting)

All of this info could be gathered directly from the Cloud Provider’s portal - an operator would just need to login and click around to find it. But, in keeping with the principles listed above of limiting institutional knowledge its important to make this data available and visible to all teams within the organization.


It is important to establish baseline tests of “what the network should look like at any given time” - so that if something goes wrong we have historical data to refer back to.

We should:

  • Use synthetic testing to measure ICMP latency, HTTP Response Time, Packet Loss and Hop Count between two endpoints on each end of the dedicated private links
  • Generate traffic using iperf across the links and measure performance
  • There’s a handy iperf3 library which can be used to script these tests and send the results up to your observability platform.

Here’s an example script which takes in some user input (like iperf destination, number of streams to send, duration of test and bandwidth) and sends the metrics up for graphing.

An example way to run this script would be with a 5 minute cronjob from a server in each Cloud Environment.

*/5 * * * * root python3 iperf-dd.py --direction upload --dest_name gcpuseast1 --dest_ip 10.x.x.x --dest_port 5201 --numofstreams 1 --duration 30 --bandwidth 1000000000
*/5 * * * * root python3 iperf-dd.py --direction upload --dest_name gcpuscentral1 --dest_ip 10.x.x.x --dest_port 5203 --numofstreams 1 --duration 30 --bandwidth 1000000000

Pipelines for Deploying Changes

As I mentioned in the design portion of this post, it is important to use devops principles wherever possible for provisioning and changing these resources. I have multiple blog posts about creating terraform pipelines, so I won’t go into detail here. But the general idea is this:

  1. Create a shared repository for these new cloud resources - give access to other teams to suggest changes (via PRs)
  2. Build pipelines that perform dry runs or plans of changes
  3. Execute new changes on merges to main

Here is an example terraform file that can be installed on a per account basis to create the VGWs and also attach them to the DXGW.

Why is this important?

  • Provides visibility to app teams of the network connectivity (its no longer just a black box)
  • Tracks changes, self documents the network
  • Makes it easier to maintain complex, repeatable objects such as IP Prefix Lists

As mentioned above, we have to use IP Prefix lists on the GCRs, but Prefix Lists also give you more control of the routing and allows the ability to enforce the concept of least access (explicit permit). But these prefix lists can get complex with multiple virtual routers and cross connects. One way to keep these in sync is with a a pipeline script.

The script eases the onboarding process of a new workload/account. If a new workload is onboarding to this architecture, we update the shared repository and add the new prefixes. The pipeline runs and updates the necessary prefix lists to allow communication.

Overall Wins

Lowering Monthly Cloud Traffic Costs

  • It takes a PHD to understand the complexity of cloud costs - and I do not have one. But I have been told its working…so that’s good enough for me :D

Improved Security Posture and Private Connectivity

  • Able to reduce the amount of public endpoints which do not need to be exposed
  • More control of cloud account routing

Better Network Performance

  • ICMP Latency Improvement: Public ~21 ms | Private ~13 ms

  • HTTP Latency Improvement: Public ~55 ms | Private ~ 45ms

Team Collaboration Across Different Missions

Not long ago, I traveled to Las Vegas for AWS Re:Invent. There I ran into some of my fellow work colleagues and talked shop we hung out for multiple days and got to know each other - it was the first time I ever interacted with them… DESPITE WORKING ON THE SAME FLOOR.

That being said, projects like this are a great way to break down those corporate silos and build up some cross team collaboration.


A final cohesive architecture example that we can use looks like this:

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